Instant free bitcoin faucets differ from cumulative ones in that the earned satoshs immediately go to your wallet. The number of such sites at times exceeds those from which payments are made only on certain days of the week. It's probably for the best - do not wait for the Sabbath or resurrection. As they say, earned - get. But there is a drawback - they are not so stable.
Many of them exist only a few days. And some sites do not pay at all. Therefore, to understand them, especially the beginner, is very difficult - I know for myself, as I myself once started, absolutely not having any idea about the crypto currency. Now, after a while, I'm ready to share my experience.
Those who are just getting acquainted with the concept of bitcoin earnings will need a purse. I use Blockchain, but I can also get a multicurrency wallet Cryptonator. It is useful to you if you plan to earn several crypto currencies at once.
However, before you get on the Satoshi earned your main purse (no matter which one you choose), they (Satoshi) will be collected on the first mikrokoshelkah. Now, instead of the most widespread FaucetHub, new ones have appeared - ePay and Faucethub. Therefore, registration is required, but it takes literally one or two minutes. After observing this formality, you can start earning - for this we go to the faucets list.